Zoomin' through space is fine and dandy, but it's not always possible to pay the bills that way. MADMAN PONDO, who portrays BUCK in REPERKUSSIONZ, savagely vanquishes his opponents in the wrestling ring to make his rent. Frank (me) performs video/audio/illustration duties on a vast array of time-consuming non-space-faring commercials and butt parts catalogs. DESIREE FERRARI, who portrays the enigmatic HENTAI in REPERKUSSIONZ, earns top dolla as a singing bartender. I ain't got no new space monster stuff to show you right now, so here's DESIREE from a recent performance at Quaker Steak and Lube, which I presume is a place at which you can get beef and routine scheduled automotive service. I don't know. I don't get out a lot.
...and as she appears in REPERKUSSIONZ adventure togz:

...and as she appears in REPERKUSSIONZ adventure togz: