Documenting the ongoing, eleven-year production of an animated microbudget outer space monster explosion spaceship crash robot cartoon movie, produced by Frank Panucci. Starring Kevin (MADMAN PONDO) Canady and Desiree Ferrari
Yup - although juggling REPERKUSSIONZ with paying work, which is necessary to keep the lights on, is stomping all over it. I may have to consider Kickstarter or something similar to allow me the time to finish it up - but "crowdfunding" sort of bugs me.
Still doing it?
Yup - although juggling REPERKUSSIONZ with paying work, which is necessary to keep the lights on, is stomping all over it. I may have to consider Kickstarter or something similar to allow me the time to finish it up - but "crowdfunding" sort of bugs me.
I only just discovered your work, and you have a unique vision/style. Keep going with it.
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